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Dr. Oz Diet & Health Forum

Categories: > Goal Sheet > Diets > Dr Oz Diets> Kettlebell > Fitness

Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.

Healthy quick weight loss with the dr. oz detox diet.

2011-08-25 Posted by:dav45
Re: Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.
2014-04-14 16:23:59
I substituted white bread for whole wheat bread it is healthier. 
Re: Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.
2006-12-11 09:36:45
Go cold turkey on the worst offenders, and fat will melt automatically. “A 28-day packaged-food-free-diet,” Dr. Oz declared, has the power to “transform your life!”

Read More about the detox diet.
Re: Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.
2006-12-11 09:33:22

The majority of processed foods are stripped of their natural ingredients, removing most of their nutritional value. They are also usually packed with artificial ingredients such as; preservatives and chemicals for enhancements and to extend the life of the products.

Processed foods are considered bad carbohydrates because they have no real health benefits, they are mostly sugar, chemicals and preservatives that contribute to weight gain and other health related diseases. Also processed foods do not provide the energy your body needs to function and feel good, leaving you feeling tried and unmotivated.

Re: Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.
2006-12-11 09:29:45
What are processed foods and how do I start a detox diet plan?
Re: Dr. Oz Belly Fat Detox.
2006-12-11 09:06:41

Break your addiction to processed foods.

New research is saying that processed foods are causing weight gain and obsity rates to rise in many American's today.

Cut out processed foods and you will not only lose weight but you will increase your energy level and live a longer healthy life.

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