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Diet Vitamins to Lose Weight?

Do vitamins help you lose weight?

2011-11-05 Posted by:sharon19
Re: Diet Vitamins to Lose Weight?
2012-05-05 17:24:22
The bottom line is that stress increases cortisol a hormone that increases belly fat. New science sheds light on why women who tackle stress related weight gain with an iron willed approach end up feeling frustrated when belly fat doesn’t budge. 

Dr Oz demonstrated startling new science that sheds light on why women who tackle stress related weight gain end up feeling frustrated when belly fat doesn’t budge:   

The dynamic duo that blasts stress fat – Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin C.

If dieting itself increases the cortisol that packs on belly fat, what’s a stressed out women who wants to lose weight do do?  Luckily, new findings point to two nutrients omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin C that can keep a lid on cortisol levels and more than triple the body’s fat burning ability.

Learn More.

Re: Diet Vitamins to Lose Weight?
2008-06-11 12:20:15
What is cortisol?
Re: Diet Vitamins to Lose Weight?
2008-06-11 12:18:30
Research has pinpointed the stress steroid cortisol as the key adrenal culprit behind belly fat: It keeps both insulin and blood sugar levels high that’s bad news since insulin fosters the storage of excess blood sugars as fat, particularly in the belly.

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