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Weight Loss Goal Sheet
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Diet Goal Sheet

Weight Loss Goal Sheet

Categories: > Goal Sheet > Diets > Dr Oz Diets> Kettlebell > Fitness

How are you doing on your goal sheet?

Have you started planning out your goals for the week? Do you have questions?

2011-02-09 Posted by:Sarah36
Re: How are you doing on your goal sheet?
0000-00-00 00:00:00
I just filled out my first weeks goal sheet. I planned out the week with low calorie meals - recipes I received from the weigh-less blog - they are easy recipes to prepare that I hope will work for my busy schedule. I included a walking fitness program that I scheduled for the evenings - 4 times a week I hoping to start losing weight this week I will keep you posted.
Re: How are you doing on your goal sheet?
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I am on my way to a new me for summer 2011.
Re: How are you doing on your goal sheet?
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I have been using the goal sheet for about 2 months now and I have been successful so far lost - 12 pounds. It is challenging but being organized is key.
Re: How are you doing on your goal sheet?
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Sign up for the shrinktheplanet-weightloss.com weight loss plan and you will receive a goal sheet to start your diet and fitness plan.

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Re: How are you doing on your goal sheet?
0000-00-00 00:00:00
I need some low calorie recipes to add to my goal sheet?

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