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Weight Loss Goal Sheet

Categories: > Goal Sheet > Diets > Dr Oz Diets> Kettlebell > Fitness

Unhealthy Habits Cause Weight Gains.

How to break bad habits and replace with good healthy habits?

2011-02-04 Posted by:scott
Re: Unhealthy Habits Cause Weight Gains.
2002-07-11 19:00:47
When you are purchasing whole wheat bread make sure the label reads whole wheat in the first three ingredients. If the ingredient label reads enriched wheat this is another word for white flour so don't be fooled.
Re: Unhealthy Habits Cause Weight Gains.
2002-07-11 08:33:38
I eliminated processed breads. I replaced processed breads with whole wheat and whole gain bread. It has been a week since I started my diet plan, and included processed foods as something I need to eliminate from my diet plan, and so far it is working.I included this on my goal sheet and it is keeping me on track. Processed foods have no nutrients. When processed foods are consumed our bodies breaks it down into mostly sugar.
Re: Unhealthy Habits Cause Weight Gains.
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Eliminating Soda can really help you reduce your sugar intake. Reducing your sugar intake is key to losing weight. Most Americans consume way too much sugar! When eliminating unhealthy habits take into consideration the drinks you consume on a daily basis, you will be surprised at the calories that come from what we are drinking.

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