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Early Morning Exercise.

Is it best to exercise in the morning?

0000-00-00 Posted by:grace32
Re: Early Morning Exercise.
2012-05-30 07:53:22
Yes I agree the morning are best for working out. If I don't get a workout in before the kids get up then it will just not happen. So the mornings are crucial for me. Morning workouts give you more energy throughout the day too.
Re: Early Morning Exercise.
0000-00-00 00:00:00
Exercising first thing in the morning is the best time,that way its out of the way and you can get on with your other duties,think of the exercise as time for you.Getting started is half the battle. But really how important is your health? and how important is your goal?
The night before set out your clothes and have everything ready to go that way when the alarm goes off your organised.The other option is to exercise with a friend,time will fly and you can have a laugh at each other make exercise fun.The exercise you decide to do doesnt have to last ages even if you start 15min blocks and work up to 30mins 3-4 times a week,consistancy is the key. if you do this for exercise for 12wks you will have created a rountine.
Exercise is important and so is stretching after your walk,swim or which ever activity you decide to embark on.

Goodluck cant wait to hear your progress
Re: Early Morning Exercise.
0000-00-00 00:00:00

In the beginning I'd be wanting to drop off to sleep in front of the telly at 7:30. But I'd be ready for a shower and bed once it hit 9 o'clock. And I'd be tired during the day. But now (and I've been doing this for almost a year now) I don't get tired during the day unless I've had a bad night's sleep, and I can stay up till 10:30 or later and still get up and still not be tired during the day.

But I still suffer from the mindset issues. If I think about it I don't want to do it. If I get up straight away I don't. This morning I woke up by myself at 4:10 so lied there 5 minutes and thought why bother and got up.

Re: Early Morning Exercise.
0000-00-00 00:00:00

The bottom line is that exercising in the morning is the best time to workout because if you wait till later in the day you are less likely to workout. So just plan to workout in the morning and once you start to get into a routine it will get earier.

What do you think?

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