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Weight Loss Plans and Diet Tips

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Easy Weight loss Menus

Easy Weight Loss Solutions. The beauty of a plan is that you have countless options, so you won’t suffer from diet boredom. Simply choose from the different options and mix and match for meals that deliver a variety of slimming, satisfying nutrients.


Energizing Diet Smoothies

Each smoothie can contain a mix of greens, fruit (fresh or frozen) and nuts/seeds (limit to 1 oz total per day for fastest weight loss). You can also add ice, water, coconut water, soymilk, almond milk or hemp milk to reach the desired texture. And be creative adding multiple options for each category will boost the nutrients value.

easy weight loss menu solutions

Mix & Match to make your Perfect Smoothie

Don’t worry about adding in too many veggies, add in as much as you like – veggies are very low in calories. But when it comes to nuts/seeds limit to 1oz or less. Nuts are heart healthy and are full of nutrients, high in protein and contain the good fat that our bodies need to keep us healthy and slim, but you can also over do it adding too many calories to your diet.


Just Mix and Match ingredients to create a different delicous smoothie:



Spinach Berries Sunflower Seeds
Bergin Nut Company –
Sunflower Seeds
Kale Mango Sesame Seeds

Bob's Red Mill 
Sesame Seeds

Romaine Lettuce Banana Flaxseeds
Red Mill Organic
Whole Flaxseed
Broccoli Florets Papaya Chia Seed
Nutiva Organic
Chia Seeds
Watercress Apple Cashews  



Dinner Menu Options

Healthy Diet Chicken  Healthy Diet Pasta Healthy Diet Fish
Chicken Recipes Pasta Recipes Fish Recipes


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