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Dr. Oz Metabolism Makeover – Burn More Calories

dr oz metabolism makeover tipsDo you want to supercharge your health and burn calories like you did when you were a teenager? A few age-defying tricks from America’s favorite health expert is all it takes!

Dr. Oz recently took to the airwaves to reveal a new turn back the clock plan, one so powerful, he said, it could help us reverse signs of aging in a mere seven days. ย But when readers tried it, it wasn’t their wrinkles that responded best; instead, their metabolisms started acting younger. ย Much, much, much younger! “I have never lost weight so quickly not even as a teenager!” Laughs Oregon mom Gail Orr, 56, who is thrilled to have whisked off 11.5 pounds in a week. ย “I can’t believe how easy it was!” So get ready to experience the body transforming, age-defying wonders for yourself.

All it takes, promised Dr. Oz, are “my secret steps!”

Steal Dr. Oz’s body transforming secrets!

We know you are busy, so we have created a nutshell version of Dr. Oz’s plan. ย It will let you focus on his fountain-of-youth strategies that melt fat fastest!

1. Eat slimming superfoods!

For maximum benefits in one week, Dr. O z called for menus like the one built around unprocessed all-natural options. Think cottage cheese, fish, lean beef, colorful fruit, berries, leafy greens, whole gains and whole wheat. Why? They are loaded with disease preventing nutrients that make us glow from head to toe and that also take serious aim at flab.

Include high fiber foods in your diet. Fiber fights hunger and blocks calories from being absorbed. ย Fiber actually acts as a binding agent, it blinds to fatty deposits flushing them out of your system increasingย weightย loss. And it promotes a quicker movement of food through theย digestive tract. Because fiber passes through our intestines, it actually carries fat and calories out, preventing the body from breaking down and absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol we ingest.

Omega 3s and calcium speed fat burning. ย Lean protein boosts metabolism. ย Meanwhile, antioxidants in plant-based foods can cause fat cells to disintegrate! Together, they are the real recipe for a lean waist!”

Get a list of Top Superfoods to include in your metabolism makeover diet!

2. Take the best anti-flab supplements! It will make a huge difference in overall wellness and energy levels while also making fat-melting a cinch!

Best anti-flab supplements: Vitamin D3, DHA, Calcium, Multivitmin

Vitamin D3
dose: 1,000 IU daily
Health Benefits: ย Vitamin D3 “turns on the gene that helps you get rid of abnormal DNA” to prevent heart disease, cancer and more, says Dr. Oz. “Vitamin D also helps boost immune function.”
Get Slim Benefits: ย A D deficiency disrupts hormones and leads to overeating. ย Begin getting enough, and you stand to lose 12 pounds without trying, says breakthrough new research.

DHA – Salmon Oil – Omega 3.
dose: 600mg. daily (or 2g. fish oil)
Get Slim benefits: ย Per Dr. Oz, this omega 3 fatty acid from fish protects your heart and joints, fights depression and even smooths wrinkles.
Getting Slim benefits:

Studies show it increases fat burning during physical activity, boosting weight loss by up to 39%.

Shop Now and get a discount onย Vital Choice Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Oil, Omega-3, 1000mg, 180-Countย to start reducing your belly fat.

dose: 600 mg. twice a day
Health benefits: ย Calcium has been found to lower blood pressure, reduce risk of diabetes and some cancers, and, of course, “make your bones stronger”, says Dr. Oz.
Get slim benefits: ย There’s evidence that “1,000 mg. a day of calcium helps both reduce fat intake and increase fat metabolism-a double whammy in the world of weight loss,” says Dr. Oz.

Dose: 1/2 tablet in a.m., 1/2 in p.m
Great Health benefits: ย A multi ensures you are getting the range of nutrients you need to help fight stress, boost energy, prevent disease even enhance brain function
Get-slim benefits: ย Dieters who take a daily muti lose 300% more weight, say Chinese researchers

3. Use a high metabolism ad flattener!

Once an hour, Dr. Oz wants you to get out of you chair using only abdominal strength to lift yourself no hands allowed. ย Then, slowly lower yourself until your are almost sitting again, hovering in a squatting position. ย Repeat 10 times. ย “It’s a remarkable effective workout,” he said. ย You will build your core abdominal muscles a trick proven to boost both endurance and metabolism.

Bonus: Taking regular breaks from sitting can decrease your risk of heart disease by up to 25%.

4. Outsmart get-fat hormones!

“If you want to eat less, get more sleep,” said Dr. Oz. Turns out, when we get seven or eight hours of sleep per night, it not only makes up feel fresh, it also optimizes hormone level. ย Studies show that well rested folks have fewer hunger hormones and lower levels of belly fat hormones, too!

We know that it seems simple, but that’s really all you have to do. “It works so well,” says success story Gail, “your are going to be saying, “Thank you, Dr. Oz!'”

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Workout tips to burn more calories
Including an exercise program to your diet will help you lose more weight and get into shape.

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