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Dr. Oz You: On a Diet

Dr. Oz Diet

Dr. Oz is best known for his work with Oprah on health and weight issues. His new diet is called “You: On a Diet!” The program says it will help you get thinner and drop inches. The claim is that you could drop a dress size in 10 days.

Dr. Oz outlines 5 ingredients to avoid including: hydrogenated oil, sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, enriched flour and bleached flour.

On theย Oprah show, Dr. Oz provides 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle.

1. Measure inches, not weight.

Take measurements — especially around your waist at your belly button. For the best health, your waist should be 1/2 your height.

2. Walk every day for 30 minutes.

The best indicator of how long and well you will live is your exercise capacity. Since you only need 30 minutes daily, go with easy things. Take the stairs. Park further away in the parking lot. If you’re going to watch TV, ride your stationary bike. Just get moving.

3. Clean out your fridge.

Read labels of all the food you have — if it’s not within your diet plan, get ride of it. Make sure to eliminate foods that have any of the following ingredients listed as one of the top five ingredients: saturated fat, trans fat, simple sugars, enriched bread or high-fructose corn syrup.

4. Shop wisely.

Buy whole-grain or whole wheat bread. It has to be 100 percent whole grain, otherwise it’s just another way to package enriched flours with most of the nutrients removed. If you buy juices, make sure it is 100 percent juice, or it is most likely high in sugar. Fill up your cart with vegetables. If you buy it, you’re going to eat it — don’t go to the store when you’re hungry and more likely to purchase things on impulse.

5. Eat more fiber.

Every time you eat fiber, you’ll feel more full. Fiber also assists with slowing down the digestive process for more balanced blood sugar levels throughout the day.

6. Eat the same every day.

Since many choices cause overeating, select the meal you hurry through the most, and then set yourself up for success by eating the same healthy meal every day.

7. Don’t eliminate fat.

Fat activates necessary hormones. If you eat a little bit of healthy fats before meals, your brain will think you’ve eaten and you will most likely not overeat. Nuts are a great choice for a healthy fat.

8. Get back on track.

If you make a mistake, don’t quit. Just get right back on track.

9. Get the right equipment.

Buy some running shoes that fit — they are good for both walking and running. Get a copy of the 20-minute “YOU: On a Diet” workout program. It doesn’t require weights and can be completed quickly.

10. Share your successes.

When you have successes and share them with others, not only does it make you feel good, but it also motivates you to keep going.

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