Popcorn is a favorite on rainy days, at the movies and parties, but it can be loaded with saturated fat, cholesterol and calories.
This favorite popcorn recipe incorporates a MUFA with high energy yielding spices, for a flavorful fat burning treat. Recent studies have shown that diets with MUFAs, mono-unsaturated fatty acids, help reduce belly fat.
MUFA rich foods are nuts, oils, avocado, olives and dark chocolate.
High energy yielding foods are foods and spices that heat up our systems, requiring more energy to burn them.
Get More information on the MUFA Diet.
Adding a dash of heat to your meals with give your metabolism an extra kick.
Popcorn Recipe:
Pour 3 to 4 tbsp of olive oil in a large skillet (if you are air popping skip this step and proceed to step 3)
add 1/8 of a tsp of the following spices to the oil:
- turmeric
- garlic powder
- onion powder
- Chili powder
- cayenne pepper
Turn stove on medium high and heat oil/spice mixture. Test one kernel in oil, if it pops add 1/3 C of popcorn
Shake the skillet while popcorn is popping, this helps it not burn. When you don’t hear anymore popping take skillet off stove.
After popcorn has popped, place it in a sealable bowl or container. Add a dash of sea salt and a dash of above spices to taste, close lid and shake vigorously until seasoning is equally distributed.ย Serve.
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