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MSG: An ingredient found to Cause Weight Gain

Avoid this ingredientโ€ฆ.it causes people to eat more and gain weight.

Studies are showing that millions of people around the world are overweight and obese because of harmful ingredients such as; MSG (monosodium glutamate) a food additive found in many common products.

MSG affects the appetite and hereโ€™s how. Your appetite is controlled by hormones. The pituitary gland, located right under your brain is the master hormone gland in the body.

One theory is that this appetite hormone that sends signals to the brain when one is full is damaged by this ingredient MSG. This then results in an over consumption of calories causing obesity & weight gain in many people.

How prevalent is MSG in the U.S. diet? Americans consumed about 1 million pounds of MSG in 1950, and today that number has increased by a factor of 300!

Best ways to avoid MSG:

  • Avoid products with an ingredient called Monosodium Glutamate. Always review ingredient lists of the products your purchasing to avoid these harmfull, fake ingredients that cause weight gain
  • Buy organic produce whenever possible.
    Make things from scratch, avoiding processed ingredients as much as possible.
  • Limit making stews or soups in a crock pot, since slow-cooking tends to cause small amounts of glutamic acid to be released from the protein sources (e.g., meat, chicken) in the recipe.
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