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The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD.

Is this a good kettlebell workout?

posted by:rebecc52 2012-04-11
Kettlebell Reviews and Products
Re: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD.
2012-05-15 09:31:36
I've had this DVD for years. I've purchased other kettlebell DVDs, books, hired personal trainers, etc. This is still the best DVD ever. I started out with a 9 lb kettlebell, you use two hands so that's very light but that was my fitness level. Now I use a 35 lb kettlebell. The DVD unlike other kettlebell DVDs has actual work outs that are timed and planned for you not just instruction, there is instruction but you can just do the work out is what I'm saying. There are two workouts, one is 40 minutes and one is 12 minutes. No matter what I can always find 12 minutes and at the end (like right now) I am dripping in sweat. She gives you 30 second rests, the work out is in intervals. I love Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Conditioning DVDs, she's awesome. And her body is just inspirational.
Re: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD.
2012-05-15 09:21:06

You can purchase the Ultimate Body Sculpt Conditioning Kettlebell DVD here I got a pretty good price!

Shop Now for: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD with Lauren Brooks.
Re: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD.
2012-05-15 09:16:29
Where did you get this Kettlebell DVD Set? I have lost weight finally and I really need a workout to tone my body!
Re: The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD.
2012-05-15 09:13:06
The ultimate body sculpt and conditioning with kettlebells dvd Ultimate Body Sculpt Conditioning by lauren brooks was a great purchase. She shows you all of the exercises in a separate demonstration section. you learn how to do them properly so you dont hurt yourself. the instruction is straight forward and motivating. this is not a dancey complicated workout. it is a tough heart pumping interval workout that will get you soaked. i have seen great results using this video as well as her other videos. my whole body has gotten tight and toned and i now fit into clothes i havent worn in a while (like years). i love that i can do my cardio with weight training all in one. when the workout starts getting easier you can increase the size of your kettlebell and increase the workout intensity. you wont be disappointed with this purchase.

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