I would like to drop 20 pounds, so I tried nixing snacks. But it just made me cranky. My cube mate lost 12 pounds after eating popcorn daily, but that just seems indulgent to me. Do you recommend it?
2014-11-06 Posted by:dietthatworks
Re: Does popcorn really count as a Diet Food?
2015-11-13 18:54:25
I love popcorn. I have a great recipe that is made with herbs and olive and it is delicious and so healthy.
Re: Does popcorn really count as a Diet Food?
2014-11-07 14:05:17
Absolutely - popcorn can help you slim. Thanks to its high fiber content, this whole-grain snack quickly satisfies hunger pangs. And because it is digested slowly, it keeps you feeling full longer. (in one study popcorn was found to be twice as filling as peanuts or a candy bar.) Popcorn also helps keep mood and energy steady.
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