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Fat-Freezing technique

I heard about a Fat-Freezing technique. Does it work?

2014-08-18 Posted by:sherry32
Re: Fat-Freezing technique
2014-08-18 11:08:51
You usually require two or three treatments (around $700 each treatment, per area - you will need to double that figure if you, say have two love handles) may be needed for best results.
Re: Fat-Freezing technique
2014-08-18 08:26:24
How much does this fat freezing technique cost?
Re: Fat-Freezing technique
2014-08-18 08:12:47
Well, kinda. The process, called cryolipolysis - and marketed under the brand name Zeltiq- is designed to target small areas of fat that may not respond easily to exercise (think muffin top or lower abs). the flab is pinched between two plates and chilled to the point at which the fat cells die (without harming your skin).  Over the course of several months, you body naturally flushes the dead cells from your system, and you look slimmer in that spot.  

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