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Categories: > Goal Sheet > Diets > Dr Oz Diets> Kettlebell > Fitness

Daily Exercise

I really want to get in shape. Should I exercise everyday?

2014-08-18 Posted by:martha236
Re: Daily Exercise
2014-08-20 18:34:20
If your just getting started it is about just moving, so start with a fitness program that gradually gets you in the grove. It is as easy as starting off with a 20 minute workout and then work you way to increasing that time every couple of weeks. It really is about planning when you will workout otherwise it is easy to let the day go by without working out.
Re: Daily Exercise
2014-08-19 11:49:44
Schedule your workouts for first thing in the morning this way you are more likely to accomplish your fitness goals and not make excuses later in the day which we all tend to do.

I add my schedule to my weight loss goals sheet and schedule my workouts in the morning it has really helped me stay on track.
Re: Daily Exercise
2014-08-18 11:29:05
You should not overdo your workouts. If you have not be working reguarly - which is around 3 - 4 times a week - then you need to start off slowly and as your body starts adjusting start adding more days or increase your daily workout time.

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